SEEC - Research - Astrobiology
planet on a black background orbiting a star.


Are we alone in the universe? Much of SEEC’s work is focused on answering this question — one of the most compelling mysteries of all time. While many NASA missions are seeking evidence of life beyond Earth in our solar system, SEEC scientists, using increasingly sophisticated technologies, will soon be able to do the same in exoplanetary systems. The science and engineering efforts needed to address questions of life, such as ‘What does life need to survive?’ ‘Are those resources available on a planet?’ and ‘How might we be able to detect evidence for past or present life?’ are organized into the field of astrobiology. This field encompasses such disciplines as chemistry, biology, physics, geology and others. It will take highly interdisciplinary teams of scientists, like SEEC, to predict what signatures life might imprint on an exoplanet and whether we can detect them with certainty. Perhaps the first strong signs of life on another world will be observed in our lifetime – stay tuned!

Exploring deep ocean worlds with ROCKE-3D: conditions for habitability

Investigators: Michael Way, Anthony Leboissetier

Impact of Extreme Space Weather on Climates of Terrestrial-Type Exoplanets

Investigators: Michael Way, Vladimir Airapetian, Guillaume Gronoff

Bioclimate Temporal Dynamics on Land Exoplanets

Investigators: Nancy Y. Kiang, Reto Ruedy

Effect of Spin-orbit Resonances Near the Outer Edge of the Habitable Zone

Investigators: Michael Way, Chris Colose, Eric Wolf

Tidal effects on magnetic nature of terrestrail-type exoplanets

Investigators: Weijia Kuang, Joe P. Renaud, Wade Henning, Vladimir Airapetian

The End of Habitability: How large scale volcanism can end a clement climate

Investigators: Michael Way, Kostas Tsigaridis

The Roadmap to Life Elsewhere: Optimizing a Biosignature Decision Tree Search Strategy for Earth-like Exoplanet Characterization

Investigators: Amber Young, Shawn Domagal-Goldman, Giada Arney, Jaime Crouse

The CUISINES menu for FY25 and FY26

Investigators: Thomas Fauchez, Linda Sohl, Geronimo Villanueva, Sonny Harman, Kostas Tsigaridis, Amber Young

Constraining what we can learn about habitable planets around K dwarfs with HWO spectroscopy using 3D GCM models and PSG

Investigators: Vincent Kofman, Avi Mandell, Ravi Kopparapu, Ana Lobo, Geronimo Villanueva, Natasha Latouf, Michael Himes

Impact of supercontinents on planetary magnetic field and oxygen evolution: implications to habitable planets

Investigators: Weijia Kuang, Ravi Kopparapu

The Ice-House Transition on Ancient Mars and Implications for Habitable Planets

Investigators: Michael Way, Ondrea Clarkson, Igor Aleinov, David Brain

Building the Interior-Atmosphere Bridge: A New Tidally-Driven Volatile Outgassing Model for Terrestrial Exoplanets

Investigators: Joe P. Renaud, Giada Arney, Monica Vidaurri, Wade G. Henning