planet on a black background orbiting a star

News and Events

Webb Confirms Its First Exoplanet

Second Earth-sized World Found in System's Habitable Zone

NASA Simulation Suggests Some Volcanoes Might Warm Climate, Destroy Ozone Layer

Hubble Uses Earth as a Proxy for Identifying Oxygen on Potentially Habitable Planets Around Other Stars

Rocky exoplanet illustration.
January 11, 2023
illustration of an exoplanet orbiting a star
January 10, 2023
Volcano on Mars
May 2, 2022
Moon in the background with the Hubble in the foreground
August 6, 2020



SEEC supports on-going seminar series as well as special retreats, symposiums, and workshops. Learn more by clicking on the boxes to the right.

Habitable Worlds Observatory Exoplanet Spectral Retrieval Tutorial Workshop 2024

The first tutorial workshop dedicated to the application of spectral retrieval techniques to exoplanet data sets obtained with the future Habitable Worlds Observatory will be held in November 2024. This workshop will be designed (1) to familiarize community members with the use of HWO spectral data, and (2) to prepare community members for the HWO Spectral Retrieval Community Data Challenge. Check this page for more information.

Technosignature seminar series

Observing the atmospheres of exoplanet's can reveal a lot about their composition and history. These observations may even contain signs of current or past habitability. The NASA GSFC technosignature seminar series explores what sort of evidence advanced civilizations may leave behind that could be detected by future missions. Click here to watch past talks and to find the schedule of future meetings.

GSFC Extrasolar Planets Seminar Series

The GSFC Exoplanet seminar series is hosted virtually every other Thursday featuring GSFC and external exoplanet scientists. Topics range from observations and atmospheric modeling to planetary interiors and orbital dynamics. Click here to watch past talks or learn about future speakers.